April 26, 2008

An amazing habit of Blabephorus pinguis


Blabephorus pinguis
Fairmaire, 1898

(Subfamily Dynastinae, Family Scarabaeidae, Order Coleoptera)
The beetles found associated with the ground-wasp net. But we do not know
exactly what kind of relationship betweeen them. The beetle larvae likely get the
benefit from the wasps. Body form is r
eddish brown, short and strong concave
above, with short brownish-yellow hairs beneath. Male, head armed with a short,
strongly curved horn. Pronotum is
broadly excavated at the middle; front tibia with
four teeth. Female, head armed with a short conical tubercle; pronotum with
a broad longitudinal furrow, narrower than that of the male.
Length 28-32 mm.
Distribution: India, Myanmar, Sumatra, Vietnam, N. Thailand
(Wiang Pa
Pao, Mae Taeng).

Credit by malaeng.com