Credit : insects.org
Common name : Walking Stick
Scientific name : Oreophoetes spp.
Order name : Phasmida
Family name : Phasmatidae
Discription : Most female stick insects lack wings and tend to be geographically localized. In some species, this lack of mobility can result in defoliation of the chosen food plants. A number of stick insect species are capable of parthenogenesis; if no males are available to fertilize eggs, viable female offspring will be produced. Males are usually winged which allows for distribution of populations. Males are also know to stay coupled with females for considerable duration to ensure their own genes are responsible for egg fertilization. Some species are capable of altering their coloration. During the day they will appear lighter green, switching to a darker mode for their active nocturnal period. This Ecuadorian species displays a conspicuous red and black coloration.